Hi there! I’m Sven. I work as a web technology consultant, project manager, full-stack developer, and technical writer, supporting projects worldwide both remotely and on-site. I’m passionate about applied technologies, a firm believer in the power of Open Source, and deeply enthusiastic about photography, writing, planning, communication, nature, and traveling—and yes, even bookkeeping has a special place in my heart.
Below are my core skills. If you’d like to get to know me better, you can read a brief overview of my journey here.
AI is the driving force behind the next major revolution. As our computational machines are evolving into thinking machines, tasks that once seemed nearly impossible to code are now within reach. On the flipside, we must embrace some level of uncertainty. We’re only beginning to explore this vast new frontier. AI holds immense potential — not just in enhancing user interactions, but also for automatization and in streamlining data integration, consolidation, and deduplication. Working in this field is exciting, at times it feels like wizardry.
I entered the space in 2017 joining the Nimiq project. My work focused on front-end development (e.g., Fastspot, Staking Calculator) and content creation. Distributed ledger technology, despite all its shortcomings, has immense potential to transform our societies through decentralized finance, distributed autonomous organizations, private transactions, sound money, and the power of immutability and trustlessness, to name a few. The underlying technologies (L1, L2, L0, ZKPs, side chains, encryption, etc.) are both powerful and fascinating.
The web is constantly evolving, a living and ever-changing ecosystem. Over the years, I've worked with numerous frameworks, languages, and meta-languages. Every successful project begins with a strong idea, a powerful framework, top-tier usability/UX, and clear, extensible code and infrastructure. I’m a big fan of Vue.js with TypeScript, HTML/Pug, and Sass/Stylus. Recently, I’ve been exploring Web3 technologies.
I have a passion for breaking down complex technical topics and making them accessible to curious, non-technical audiences. Over the years, this has fueled my growth in communication and writing. I enjoy crafting blog posts, leading workshops, and diving into one-on-one sessions to explain and explore technology in simple, relatable ways.
What’s the point of technology if it doesn’t serve its users? This question has been my guiding principle since my university days. It drives me to find the ideal balance between features, security, performance, and usability.
BSON is a great tool to serialize anything in Javascript. Including binary stuff. But why does it return a Binary when deserializing what was originally a UInt8Array. And what to do about it?
FYI, Rotki is a private portfolio tracker and accounting tool. Building Rotki from source using their official guide, I ran into a few small issues and this is my write-up on how to solve them.
Surprising errors testing some crypto.subtle based functions with Jest: TextEncoder, TextEncoder, and subtle not defined?
Error messages are great, they help us find the cause of the problem. This one isn't. Not at all. If you're seening this one, check if you have an enum in your d.ts file...
Using only variables, clipping, and transformations. *and a little helper class. ;)
There are several CSS properties that break fixed positioning: transform, perspective, filter, and background-filter.
They are not the same and why it's important to know the difference. Spoiler alert: textContent FTW!
What to do when your laptop can't sleep? Is it teething perhaps? Bluetooth maybe?
When Kdenlive fails to render very long video projects...
There is a lot of great stuff out there. And some gems offer great photos and videos and are very flexible if and where you put the attribution so that it doesn't harm you layouts.